Austrian Association for Contemporary Art and Music
Austrian Association for Contemporary Art and Music
Workshop program 2014
This workshop is dedicated to enthusiastic musicians and composers from
Jordan and students from King`s Academy. During this week at King`s
Academy, renowned Austrian composer Johanna Doderer, conductor Ewald
Donhoffer and Sound Designer David Muellner will work with young musicians
and composers on contemporary and classic pieces for choir. Students will
have the chance to get a profound insight into contemporary music from
Austria. They will get the chance to learn about choir singing techniques and
much more. If this won`t be enough, Dozan Wa Awtar choir
will join the workshop to give an unforgettable music experience to all!
Last but not least there will be lectures in music history and sound design.
This project is being organized together with King`s Academy and the Austrian
Embassy in Amman.
for more information, please visit:
Dozan Wa Awtar Music Establishment
Dozan Wa Awtar Choir in action...
2nd Workshop at king`s academy, Jordania